Music and podcast recommendations from mp

Music and podcasts – Melissa Pouliot’s recommendations!


When I was a young newspaper journalist in the 1990s I was the video and CD reviewer (showing my age!). I pretty much gave everything five stars because I couldn’t bear to criticise anyone for all the hard work they’d put into their creative project. The Dixie Chicks Wide Open Spaces got a solid five stars! I still have that CD but until recently, I’ve never had the opportunity to see them live. I went with my Mum and one of my best friends to a Sydney concert and they were brilliant! As was Elle King.

If you go onto Spotify, search for The Chicks World Tour Setlist 2023, I highly recommend it! And have a listen to Elle King while you’re at it.


As far as podcasts go, I have been binge listening to series podcasts lately so here they are in the order I listened:
  • The Frankston Murders – Vikki Petraitis is absolutely brilliant and one of my favourites who I have followed for a long time, she has an impressive backlist so once you recover from this, go back through as she is one of the world’s best true crime podcasters in my view.
  • Scamanda – this gave me so many mixed emotions, I was in complete turmoil over what she did!
  • Believe in Magic – this broke my heart, and I listened in the same way I’d stay up all night reading a page turning book that I couldn’t put down.
  • The Missing Cryptoqueen – this is the same host as Believe in Magic and he did such an amazing job trying to unpick this complicated story!
  • Bad Blood: The Final Chapter – similar feelings to Scamanda, oh my goodness!
  • Murder in Apartment 12 – this was similar to Believe in Magic and I couldn’t stop listening until I’d binged the whole series.