Rhiannon’s Last Look is in the hands of my beta readers…

I’ve been a busy beaver and I’m thrilled to have sent out my first draft of my 7th crime novel to my early readers! I’ve already had some feedback and it goes something like this:

OMG !!! Just finished your book. Bloody amazing. Loved it. Do I see a sequel????

For those of you who have just joined my mailing list, this is my 7th crime novel and the 5th in my Rhiannon Series. It is set in the Australian outback, and also takes readers to Sydney, the rugged coastline of Western Australia and to a surprise overseas location you won’t see coming!

How many times a day does the thought ‘if only’ run through our minds?

Detective Rhiannon McVee is buried in ‘if onlys’ as she sacrifices her relationship with her cowboy Mac to make it her life’s work to solve Australia’s growing number of missing cold cases. When her young prodigy Constable Zoe Chesney disappears in the remote outback, Rhiannon is faced with the biggest ‘if only’ of her career.

If only she could untangle the web of lies, deceit and murder her missing people have weaved before it’s too late.

If only. If only.

My early readers are such an important part of the editing process and I’m so grateful for those who have offered to do this. I also have a small group of family members and close friends who have read all six previous early drafts (many of which were rougher than where I’m currently at) and are now working their way through Rhiannon’s Last Look.

I’ve looked and listened to this book so many times! I’ve pushed words around the page, spotted typos, filled in plot holes, tried to take out repeated words and phrases and checked the timing and pace. One day I absolutely love it, the next day I’m a bundle of nerves thinking it’s the worst thing I’ve ever written.

I am hoping that my major plot twist and an ending that I initially felt will blow your mind, actually does blow your mind! I’m also hoping that my spicy romance is just the right amount, and that the scenes which made me cry will make you cry.

For those who don’t have this early draft, if you are still working through my six other novels before this new one comes out, keep an eye out on Amazon for Kindle deals between now and when Rhiannon’s Last Look hits the shelves.