Life’s Little Instruction Book

When I was 18 and working as a governess in the remote Australian outback I started a book of quotes that helped inspire, guide and keep my life on track. Lines from songs, paragraphs from books, poetry, things people said to me all went into this little book. Back then, in 1991, we didn’t have social media, Google or the plethora of online spaces to tell us how to live a good, happy, prosperous life.

Life’s Little Instruction Book – 477 suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life came into my possession during my first year of university. Using a pencil (because I could never and still can’t bring myself to write in a book with a pen!) I have underlined, added asterisks and written exclamation marks on instructions that have resonated at one time or another since then.

I get it out on January 1 every year. January is one of those months where my brain decides it’s too full for the high productivity levels of the previous year, and the days blend into each other. I live at the beach and am surrounded by people on holidays, perhaps I could pretend I’m on holidays too?

Each day I turn to Life’s Little Instruction Book – something, anything, to jolt me into action for a new year! This morning the message on the left hand page was clear. 416. Don’t procrastinate! Do what needs doing when it needs to be done. (I have underlined this and put several exclamation marks in pencil!!) But then on the facing page there’s 420. Get your priorities straight. No one ever said on his death bed, “Gee, if I’d only spent more time at the office.”

And would you look at that, it’s another perfect beach day so if you’re looking for me, I’ll be at the beach!

Melissa x